
Fedorova Nadezhda1,Saleev Rinat1


1. Kazan State Medical University


Social longevity of elderly people is largely determined by their dental health. The ability to talk freely without feeling socially awkward due to bad breath or visible absence of teeth greatly facilitates the lives of elderly people engaged in work. Unfortunately, the majority of elderly people have compromised dentitions, restored by dental prosthetic structures that meet social and functional requirements to varying degrees. The high need of elderly people in stomatological orthopedic treatment and the demand for comprehensive dental rehabilitation determined the relevance and purpose of this publication. Research methods. The object of the study was elderly people aged 60-74 years who sought dental orthopedic care in dental medical organizations, the sample size was 408 persons. Results. The maximum number of patients in the 60-74 age group was found to have complete absence of teeth – 26.5%, the total number of patients with the first, second, third and fourth classes according to Kennedy classification was 13,3%, 24,7%, 24,9%, 10,6% accordingly. The total number of patients with the first Kennedy subclasses (class 1-3) was 135 persons (33.1%), with the second subclasses – 69 persons (16.9%), with the third subclasses – 53 persons (13.0%). Conclusions. All types of orthopedic dental structures were manufactured for elderly patients. The choice of the dental prosthetic design used in orthopedic dental rehabilitation was determined by the type of dentition defect and met the principles of rational prosthetics.


TIRAZH Publishing House

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