
Zubareva Anna1,Bragin Aleksandr1,Kolpakov Viktor1,Lebedev Aleksey2,Kuratova Luiza1


1. Tyumen State Medical University

2. Tyumenskiy gosudarstvennyy medicinskiy universitet


A literature review was carried out on an actual, but little studied problem of dentistry — dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint with changes in the musculoskeletal system and an individual typological feature of habitual motor activity in young people. Purpose of the study. Basing on a review of modern scientific literature since 2014, it is necessary to reveal the problems of disorders of the temporomandibular joint, including psychophysiological status in young people, its relationship with changes in the musculoskeletal system and the influence of habitual motor activity on its functioning. Methodology. The data of special literature were studied using scientific search library databases: PubMed Central, Elibrary. The search for original scientific publications was carried out by keywords. This review includes an analysis of 45 scientific sources. Results and conclusions. The literature review systematizes modern scientific data on disorders in the functioning of the temporomandibular joint from a young age, the identification of preclinical and clinical manifestations in students, the influence of stress as a trigger in the development of TMJ pathology, the determination of the habitual motor activity of students and its impact on the work of the TMJ, the influence of posture on the positioning of the articular heads, as well as, with the existing pathology of the TMJ, the effect on the musculoskeletal system, as a manifestation of the defense mechanism. The review also presents current data on the study of temporomandibular joint dysfunction after orthodontic treatment. The review made it possible to identify a number of significant factors contributing to the development of TMJ dysfunction, to substantiate the practical significance of the problem, which is associated with the need for a thorough examination of the TMJ, starting from a young age. This will prevent the development of a complex of dental diseases, the development of pathologies from the musculoskeletal system, as well as the development of disorders in the work of adjacent areas of the head and neck, which will improve the quality of life of the individual and the population as a whole. Prospects for further research are formulated, which can be the basis for predicting the risk of developing TMJ pathology and the development of a complex of dental and diseases.


TIRAZH Publishing House


General Medicine

Reference45 articles.

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