
Lunitsyna Yuliya1,Ziablitskaia Kseniia1,Bondarenko Olga1,Chudova Larisa1,Shteinke Ella1


1. Altai State Medical University


Subject. The high prevalence of oral mucosal leukoplakia, its often recurrent course and the possibility of malignancy makes the problem of finding effective methods of diagnosis and treatment of this pathology urgent. Many methods of acting lesions have been proposed, but individual studies cannot demonstrate evidence of the advantages of one treatment method over another. Objectives. On the basis of modern literature to determine effective methods of diagnosis and treatment of various forms of leukoplakia. Methodology. The information bases are analyzed: PubMed, Elibrary, GoogleScholar, Medline, Cyberleninka. Combinations of keywords were used for the search. Results. 593 articles were found according to the declared keywords. The number of articles remaining after applying the exclusion criteria is 58, after analyzing the annotations for compliance with the content of the stated review topic – 24. Analyzing the literature sources, it was determined that the diagnosis of the disease is carried out using clinical and histological studies. Elimination of the lesion with a laser occurs with a minimum of side effects, unlike traditional surgical treatment; recurrence of the disease occurs regardless of the chosen treatment method and is associated with the area of the lesion, its location and the presence of bad habits in patients; the most effective methods are argonoplasmic coagulation, erbium laser radiation and diode laser, allowing to achieve complete epithelialization in 7 days; also worthy alternative methods of treatment of oral leukoplakia are cryosurgery and photodynamic therapy. Conclusions. In order to diagnose of oral mucosal leukoplakia, a clinical study with histological verification of the diagnosis is used. Conservative methods of treatment of oral leukoplakia are not always effective, especially with erosive and verrucose forms. In such a situation, a dentist is forced to resort to surgical excision of foci to prevent further development of the disease and transformation into a malignant neoplasm. Traditional methods of surgical treatment are gradually being replaced by more modern effective methods that allow obtaining an aesthetic result with a favorable course of the postoperative period.


TIRAZH Publishing House


General Medicine

Reference24 articles.

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