Bone grafting in the oral cavity. Basic methods, errors and complications (literature review).


Remizova Ekaterina1,Polupan Pavel2


1. In Clinic

2. Moscow Regional Scientific Research Clinical Institute named after M.V.Vladimirsky


Dental implantation is the most promising and popular method in treating patients with partial or complete absence of teeth. However, especially in the case of a long period of time between tooth extraction and implantation planning, its implementation may be difficult due to bone atrophy in the intended area of surgery. In such cases, the specialist has to resort to restoring the existing bone defect and performing bone grafting. Despite there are a large number of techniques for performing operations to restore bone defects, and many osteoplastic materials of different composition and properties are used, carrying out these operations presents a number of difficulties even for a specialist with work experience. It is often not possible to restore the necessary volume and structure of bone tissue, postoperative complications of various types are not uncommon, which increase the duration of treatment of patients and require repeated surgical intervention. The unpredictability of the results of bone plastic surgeries often forces specialists to completely abandon their implementation and look for alternative ways of surgical treatment, which inevitably affects the choice of orthopedic construction in the future, which may not satisfy the aesthetic requirements of the patient. In this study, we conducted a literary review of the available methods of bone plastic surgery in the oral cavity and the materials used in surgical interventions, analyzed the main errors and complications that arise at various stages of surgical treatment.


TIRAZH Publishing House


General Medicine

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