
Zorina Yuliya1,Oreshaka Oleg2,Ganisik Anton2


1. Altai State Medical University

2. Altai State Medical Universite


To restore the impaired or lost functions of the dental system, the dentist often resorts to the manufacture of dentures and devices. To achieve high quality of such structures, it is necessary to obtain a precision impression. The precision of the impression is its striving for maximum dimensional accuracy. The article presents the characteristics of impressions and impression masses that affect the accuracy of future orthopedic structures. A poor-quality impression can lead to errors in the manufacture of orthopedic structures and the development of the following complications: caries (cervical or under the crown), diseases of the marginal periodontal, pulpitis or pulp necrosis with subsequent periodontitis, cracks, chips of the lining; premature violation of the fixation of the structure. To reduce the risks of complications, new technologies for obtaining impressions are being introduced into the clinical reception of orthopedic dentists, to increase the quality of finished structures. There are a large number of methods for obtaining refined prints, each of which has its advantages and disadvantages. This diversity can be explained by the modernization of the group of elastic impression materials and the appearance of masses of different viscosity. The development of methods for obtaining impressions is currently an urgent area of dentistry. In addition to traditional types of impressions, digital technologies, namely optical impression, are increasingly being introduced into dental practice. The result of which is a three-dimensional (3D) model of the prepared teeth, for the manufacture of indirect restorations of teeth using CAD/CAM systems. The article describes various modern methods of obtaining precision prints in dentistry. The comparative characteristics of laboratory and clinical scanners for obtaining optical impressions are given.


TIRAZH Publishing House


General Medicine

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