
Murashov Mikhail1,Zhurina Arina1,Platonova Maria1,Stepanova Svetlana1,Bobrovich Kirill1


1. Russian University of Medicine


Subject. SLA and LCD 3D-printing technologies used in dentistry and maxillofacial prosthetics. Objectives. To compare and systematize SLA and LCD 3D printing devices and technologies available in the Russian Federation. To Print a prototype of the ear epithesis. Methodology. collection and analysis of available literature sources, systematization of the information received. Comparison of various 3D printers, recommendations for usage depending on the required tasks. 3D-Print of epithesis of the ear by using LCD technology. Results. SLA and LCD printing technologies are similar in a number of parameters we studied. LCD technology showed higher printing speed compared to SLA technology. At the same time, the accuracy of the product for all SLA printers turned out to be higher in comparison with the most accurate LCD technology printer. The cost of SLA printers is on average higher than LCD printers. The prototype of the epithesis of the auricle can be reproduced using LCD technology. Conclusion. Photopolymer 3D printers with SLA technology produce more detailed and sharper end products than LCD printers. Photopolymer 3D printers with SLA technology are slower than LCD technology. SLA and LCD technologies are quite close in certain parameters. LCD technology can be used at the stages of rehabilitation of patients with ear defects.


TIRAZH Publishing House

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