
Soltanov Sahil1,Ksembaev Said2,Ivanov Oleg2,Salahov Albert2,Nesterova Elena2,Gabidullina Guzel2


1. Kazanskiy gosudarstvennyy medicinskiy universitet

2. Kazan State Medical University


Item. A review of the literature is presented on the current problem of maxillofacial surgery – methods of fixation of bone fragments in fractures of the lower jaw. The purpose of the study is to study publications on methods of fixation of fragments in fractures of the lower jaw in the comparative aspect of their influence on the clinical course. Methodology. The publications of domestic and foreign authors on modern methods of fixation of bone fragments in fractures of the lower jaw were studied, and a comparative analysis of their effectiveness was carried out. Results. Currently, orthopedic and surgical methods of immobilization of bone fragments are used, which are used both in isolation and in various combinations. During surgical treatment with the help of mini-plates, it is possible to perform optimal reposition and stable fixation of fragments, however, the traumatic nature of the operation, leading to bone hypoxia, slows down the processes of reparative osteogenesis and leads to the development of postoperative complications. The use of bone glue-cement makes it possible to achieve reliable fixation of bone fragments, accelerate the formation of a callus. At the same time, there is no need to remove the glue, since it is a biodegradable material. Conclusions 1. None of the currently used methods of fixation of bone fragments in clinical practice for fractures of the mandible, both orthopedic and surgical, as well as in their combination, can fully meet the optimal conditions of reparative osteogenesis. 2. A promising alternative method is the use of bone adhesives that fill the bone voids between fragments, which contributes to their stable fixation and reparative osteogenesis, biodegrading simultaneously with the formation of a callus.


TIRAZH Publishing House

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