
Болдырев Юрий1,Boldyrev Yuriy2,Мандра Юлия3,Mandra Yuliya4


1. Уральский государственный медицинский университет

2. Ural'skiy gosudarstvennyy medicinskiy universitet

3. ФГБОУ ВО "Уральский государственный медицинский университет» Минздрава России

4. Ural State Medical university


Subject: the questions of aesthetic-functional restoration (EGF) of teeth in direct and indirect ways are considered. Purpose: to show the social importance of the EGF of teeth. Methodology: In order to determine the level of knowledge about the methods of EGF, the study of the criteria for selecting individual methods, subjective evaluation of effectiveness and the determination of the satisfaction of a previously conducted EGF, a questionnaire was developed for patients, students of the dental faculty and practicing dentists. The aim of the questionnaire is to determine the level of knowledge about the methods of EGF, to study the selection criteria for individual methods, to subjectively evaluate the effectiveness and determine the satisfaction of the previous EGF. Results of the study. An analysis of the respondents’ opinion testified to the high awareness of respondents (100%) about the concept of EGF, its purpose. Positive aspects and shortcomings of the methods of restoration are stated. The increasing need of the population for EGF and the growing relevance of the priority of the quality of EGF are indicated. By professionals, restoration using CAD / CAM-system CEREC-4 is highly appreciated as an alternative and accessible method of indirect restoration of teeth. It is recommended to inform patients more widely about this technology. Thus, there is an increase in the population’s need for EGF. The most popular are CAD / CAM technologies. In this regard, the motivation of the doctor plays an important role the dentist must constantly improve his skills, study and introduce new IT-technologies. In this process, it is necessary to involve the leaders of medical organizations that contribute to the creation of optimal conditions for the quality work of doctors and patient satisfaction. Conclusions: the most popular for patients and more direct dental restorations are used by dentists, however it is limited in indications to application by the degree of fracture of the tooth crown; indirect restorations benefit in aesthetically-functional respect, but they have a high cost; CEREC CAD / CAM technology is a modern alternative to indirect dental restorations with the advantage in time and price, but is little known among patients and requires popularization.


TIRAZH Publishing House

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