Koshelev konstantin1, Belousov Nikolay1, Algoeva Aleksanda2, Bulanov Vitaliy2, Gerasimov Artem2
1. Tver state medical universitet 2. Tver State Medical University
The aim of the study is to study the possibilities of comparing digital diagnostic models of patients obtained at different periods after prosthetics of dentition, using a specialized computer program.
Materials and methods. As a material, diagnostic digital models of the jaws of a patient who was first prostheticized with temporary full removable prostheses were used. The models were obtained on the day of application, 3 and 6 months after the completion of treatment. The research method was the specialized computer program ExoCad DentalCAD 2.3 Matera, which is quite common in the professional circle of orthopedic dentists and dental technicians.
Results. The article describes two detailed algorithms for assessing the dynamic state of the prosthetic bed of patients who have undergone dental orthopedic treatment, based on a comparative analysis of digital models of the jaws. The first algorithm is quite indicative, capable of fully demonstrating the changes in the tissues of the prosthetic bed, and is suitable for demonstrating the detected changes to the patient or interested persons to justify further therapeutic manipulations. The second algorithm for assessing atrophy makes it possible to assess the degree of changes in numerical terms, which can make it possible to develop measures to prevent possible complications and is more interesting to the attending physician, dental technician or medical researchers. Based on the considered example, specific clinical recommendations for the management of the patient are proposed, which reduce the risk of complications of the treatment.
Conclusion. The proposed methods can be useful in assessing the quality of dental orthopedic treatment, at various stages of the examination. The use of the described algorithms in complex clinical situations can prevent the development of a number of complications after prosthetics of dentition. The use of the described algorithms for evaluating prosthetic bed tissues gives the attending physician the opportunity to individualize the calendar of medical examination of a single patient in accordance with the identified changes in the prosthetic bed and the dynamics of their progression. The digital evaluation algorithm can become an indicative tool in research to assess changes in the prosthetic bed depending on various individual factors.
TIRAZH Publishing House
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