1. Adams, Richard E. W., 1995 The Programme for Belize Regional Archaeological Project: 1994 Interim Report, Introduction. In Richard E. W. Adams and Fred Valdez, Jr. (eds) 1995, pp. 1-15. The University of Texas at San Antonio. San Antonio.
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3. Adams, Richard E. W. and Fred Valdez, Jr. (editors), 1994 The Programme for Belize Archaeological Project: 1994 Interim Report. Center for Archaeology and Tropical Studies, San Antonio.
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5. Adams, Richard E. W., V. Scarborough, L. Levi, S. Walling, N. Dunning, B. Lewis, L. Shaw, E. King, L. Sullivan, K. Reese-Taylor, and F. Valdez, Jr., 2004 Programme for Belize Archaeological Project: A History of Archaeological Research. In Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology, Institute of Archaeology, NICH, Belize, Volume 1:175-184.