Students' Analogical Reasoning in Solving Trigonometric Problems in Terms of Cognitive Style: A Case Study


Azizah Ummah Qurrotul,Rooselyna Ekawati,Masriyah Masriyah


This article discusses the analogical reasoning of students' types in solving trigonometric problems based on cognitive styles. This research was conducted at MAN I Probolinggo, eighteen students was asked to complete cognitive style tests and math ability tests. It was found that students' answers can be grouped into two types of cognitive styles, namely systematic and intuitive. From each group, one student was taken to be interviewed with the aim of getting a more detailed explanation of each type of analogical reasoning. The results show that the two types can be explained as follows, first, the type of systematic cognitive style, students can understand the problem given, mention in detail all the information that is known and asked, use all known information about the problem, read and understand the problem, map the structure relational problems, applying a structured way to solve problems that have been planned in advance. In the intuitive cognitive style type, students can understand the problem only by reading the problem once, mention some information that is known about the problem, use the information that is known in the problem, read and understand the problem, apply problem-solving methods. pre-planned but unstructured. Therefore, teachers must encourage and enable students to use analogical reasoning optimally in learning mathematics.


LPPM Universitas Malikussaleh


General Medicine

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