Cecilio Sumaya Giarola,Brasil Célia Luciana Guedes Barbosa,Vilaça Camila Pacheco,Silva Samara Mariana Ferreira da,Vargas Elisângela Da Cruz,Torres Heloísa De Carvalho
Objective: to understand the psychosocial aspects of living with diabetes mellitus. Methods: a study qualitative,made with 16 patients with diabetes mellitus type 2. The data were collected through telephone calls using asemi-structured script approaching the care in health, barriers and family support, analyzed by Bardin’s content.Results: two categories emerged related to the practice of self-care: Self-care, containing three sub-categories:diet, physical activity and emotional aspects and support networks. Conclusion: the results of the study showedthe importance of understanding the emotional aspects and attitudes of patients regarding educational practicesfor self care, in order to establish strategies to prevent and control the disease.
Rev Rene - Revista da Rede de Enfermagem de Nordeste
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