Silva Janaína Lopes da,Santos Emelynne Gabrielly de Oliveira,Rocha Cintia Capistrano Teixeira,Valença Cecília Nogueira,Júnior Osvaldo De Góes Bay
Objective: to discuss the organization of Nursing technician’s work in the interface of the care of family members ofhospitalized children and to identify their perception of the insertion of family in caring for this child. Methods: this is anexploratory descriptive study with a qualitative approach, undertaken in the pediatric inpatient unit of a university hospitalwith six Nursing technicians, through semi-structured interviews. Results: professionals realized the importance of thefamily’s presence for the child’s recovery; however, in basic care which was previously developed by Nursing, they wereeventually delegated to be companions, with care for the child-family binomial forgotten by the professional. Conclusion:nursing technicians recognize the benefits and difficulties of the presence of a companion. However, it is perceived that therewas a lack of professional preparation when considering the binomial of child-family during hospitalization.
Rev Rene - Revista da Rede de Enfermagem de Nordeste
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