1. Albanese, Anthony. 2022a. Anthony's Story. [Online.] Available from: anthonyalbanese.com.au/anthonys-story.
2. Albanese, Anthony. 2022b. 'Vote for a better future'. Speech [Transcript]. Australian Labor Party Federal Election Campaign Launch, Perth, 1 May. Available from: anthonyalbanese.com.au/media-centre/vote-for-a-better-future-2022-campaign-launch.
3. Albanese, Anthony. 2022c. 'Address to the National Press Club'. Speech [Transcript]. Canberra, 18 May. Available from: anthonyalbanese.com.au/media-centre/address-to-the-national-press-club-18-may.
4. Albanese, Anthony, Jim Chalmers and Tony Burke. 2022. 'Doorstop interview Toll NQX national office'. [Transcript.] Berrinba, Qld, 20 April. Available from: jimchalmers.org/latest-news/transcripts/berrinba-doorstop-20-04-22/.
5. Arbour, Brian. 2014. Candidate-Centered Campaigns: Political Messages, Winning Personalities, and Personal Appeals. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan. doi.org/10.1093/poq/nfw035.