1. Abbott, Tony, 2013, '2013 Election Speech', Brisbane, 25 August, available from: electionspeeches.moadoph.gov.au/speeches/2013-tony-abbott.
2. Abbott, Tony, 2018a, 'Address to the Sydney Institute', Governor Phillip Tower, Sydney, 20 February, available from: tonyabbott.com.au/2018/02/address-sydney-institute-governor-phillip-tower-sydney/#.
3. Abbott, Tony, 2018b, 'How Cheap Shots Become Own Goals', The Australian, 23 February.
4. ABC News, 2016, 'Chilcot Report: John Howard Defends Decision to Send Australian Troops to Iraq', ABC News, 7 July, available from: www.abc.net.au/news/2016-07-07/chilcot-inquiry-john-howard-responds/7577306.
5. ABC TV News and Current Affairs, 2008, The Howard Years, [Documentary], Sydney: ABC.