1. Allen, P.S., ed. Cyclopedia of Fiji. Sydney: McCarron, Stewart & Co., 1907.
2. Anonymous. 'Ai tukutuku kei Ratu Radomodomo Ramatenikutu na Vunivalu mai Bau'. Na Mata 1891 (May): 8-11.
3. Ansdell, Gerrard. A trip to the highlands of Viti Levu: Being a description of a series of photographic views taken in the Fiji Islands during the dry season of 1881. London: H. Blair Ansdell, 1882.
4. 'Are mental patients at Suva subjected to cruelty?' Pacific Review, 29 August 1970.
5. 'Army seizes power coup'. Fiji Times, 15 May 1987.