Marques Henrique de F.,Wiagustini Ni Luh P.,Soares Augusto da Conceição
This research aims to analyze the influence of financial attitude on financial management, (2) to analyze the influence of financial behavior on financial management, and (3) to analyze the influence of financial knowledge on financial management. The sample in this study used 62 respondents. The sampling technique in this research used the Proportional Random Sampling technique by lottery. The results are based on the hypothesis test results that (1) Financial attitudes have a positive and significant effect on financial management among vocational school teachers in Ermera Municipality which cannot be accepted or rejected, (2) Financial behavior has a positive and significant effect on financial management for Vocational School Teachers in Ermera Municipality can be accepted, and (3) Financial knowledge has a positive and significant effect on financial management for Vocational School Teachers in Ermera Municipality cannot be accepted or rejected.
Fayrel Management Services
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