Enhancing Employee Performance: Exploring the Interplay of Work Discipline, Work Environment, and Job Satisfaction at the Timor-Leste National Police Training Centre in Dili.


Sarmento Cristiano de Fatima,Riana I Gede Riana,Piedade Felix


This study aims to analyze and prove the effect of work discipline and work environment on employee performance with job satisfaction as a mediating variable. Census sampling was used in the sampling technique, and 77 police personnel working at Timor-Leste Police Training Centre (TL-PTC) as respondents. A questionnaire with 5 choice answers on a Likert scale was used to collect data. SPSS was utilized for descriptive test of data and SmartPLS 3.0 was utilized for hypothesis test.  The result shows that job satisfaction does not significantly mediate the effect of work discipline on employee performance. However, work discipline has significant direct effect on employee performance. In contrast, the work environment significantly affects employee performance through job satisfaction. However, work environment has no direct effect on employee performance. Moreover, work discipline has no direct effect on job satisfaction while work environment has direct significant effect on job satisfaction and job satisfaction as exogenous variable has significant direct effect on employee performance. These findings suggest that if the work environment of the TL-PTC employees improved, such as by provision of adequate and well managed environment and specialized training will increase all police personnel’s satisfaction at work, and in turn they will obey the organizational rules and carry out their duties and responsibilities with pleasure. Future research is suggested to include organizational commitment, leadership style, loyalty and motivation.


Fayrel Management Services

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