Pharmaco- and ozone therapy in outpatient medical rehabilitation programs for patients with chronic cerebral ischemia


,Dadova L. Yu.ORCID,Mallaeva R. M.ORCID, ,Serebryakov A. A.ORCID, ,Kaisinova A. S.ORCID, ,Tsogoev A. S.ORCID, ,Cherevashchenko L. A.ORCID,


Abstract. Purpose of the study. To evaluate the effectiveness of medical rehabilitation of patients with stage 1 chronic cerebral ischemia using ozone therapy in an outpatient setting. Material and methods. A randomized, prospective, single-center, open-label, controlled study was conducted on 80 patients with stage 1 chronic cerebral ischemia, who were divided into 2 groups by means of simple randomization: in the study group (SG/41 patients), the patients received rehabilitation in accordance with the federal clinical guidelines and intravenous ozone therapy; in the control group (CG/39 patients), the patients underwent only standardized treatment. The effectiveness of rehabilitation measures was monitored using validated rating scales, electroencephalography, and quality of life assessment. Results. The implementation of the medical rehabilitation program for patients with stage 1 chronic cerebral ischemia in an outpatient setting provides a significant reduction in pain (p < 0.01), correction of psycho-emotional and cognitive disorders (p < 0.01), normalization of lipid metabolism (p < 0.01), and improvement in quality of life (p < 0.01). The efficacy of the developed outpatient medical rehabilitation program for patients with stage 1 chronic cerebral ischemia was 85.4 %, and that of the standardized program — 77.0 %. Conclusion. Integrated pharmacotherapy and ozone therapy provide a significant increase in the effectiveness of medical rehabilitation of patients with chronic cerebral ischemia at the outpatient stage.


PANORAMA Publishing House

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