Abstract. Post-traumatic stress disorder is widespread in the young patient population and tends to increase. Studying the therapeutic effects of a complex of rehabilitation technologies in patients with post-traumatic stress disorder is an urgent scientific and practical task. Purpose of the study: to determine the therapeutic effects of a complex of rehabilitation technologies in patients with post-traumatic stress disorder. Material and methods. 71 patients aged 33 (20–49) years with post-traumatic stress disorder (ICD–X code F43.1) were studied. The patients were prescribed a set of physical exercises, a course of audiovisual polysensory relaxation, transcranial magnetic stimulation, chromotherapy, hydrobalneotherapy, climatotherapy, therapeutic nutrition and psychotherapy. The total duration of the course is 20 days. Clinical, instrumental, psychophysical, and integral methods of assessing the condition of patients were used. Results. A significant improvement in clinical and psychological status, an increase in adaptive potential, the level of physical health, a significant increase in physical performance, and an improvement in autonomic regulation were revealed. Conclusion. The complex of restorative technologies of medical and psychological rehabilitation produces pronounced actoprotective and psychocorrective therapeutic effects in patients with post-traumatic stress disorder.
PANORAMA Publishing House
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