Role of shockwave therapy in the treatment of pain syndrome in patients with knee ligamentitis


Korablev S. G.ORCID, ,Lazarenko N. N.ORCID,Ivanova I. I.ORCID, ,


Relevance. Damage to the para-articular structures in the area of the joints can lead to chronic pain, which imposes mental and social restrictions on a person’s life, disrupts his/her mobility, and therefore, represents a global healthcare problem. Subject and methods. An open randomized controlled trial was conducted among patients with post-traumatic ligamentitis of the knee joint with pain in the subacute stage, aged 30.2 ± 10.4 years (n = 40). The patients were divided into two groups: group 1 (n = 10, control group) received standard drug therapy, while group 2 (n = 30, main group) additionally received SWT. To assess the intensity of the pain syndrome, we used the visual analog scale (VAS index) and the Lequesne index, which determines the daily activity of patients with injuries in the knee joint. Results and discussion. According to statistics, against the background of an increase in the number of injuries per 100,000 population in the Russian Federation, the absolute number of injuries of the knee joint and lower legs is also growing. At the same time, there was a high direct correlation between these indicators. In this observation, the patients in the 2nd (main) group who received complex treatment with the use of shockwave therapy showed positive dynamics of the VAS index score and the Lequesne index, and a strong direct correlation was noted between the indicators. Meanwhile, according to the data of correlation and regression analysis, it was possible to predict the stability of clinical improvement for two future periods. In the patients in the 1st (control) group, no pronounced clinical picture was observed. Conclusion. Thus, after complex treatment, including drug therapy and shockwave therapy, in the patients in the 2nd (main) group with knee ligamentitis with pain in the subacute period, a pronounced stable positive effect was noted, which was accompanied by a decrease in pain syndrome, an increase in motor activity, and an improvement in the quality of life of patients.


PANORAMA Publishing House


General Medicine

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