Features of using laser therapy in the rehabilitation of patients after dental surgical interventions


Shimorskiy M. I.ORCID, ,Korchazhkina N. B.ORCID,Panin A. M.ORCID,Tsitsiashvili A. M.ORCID, , ,


The article presents a systematic review of 35 Russian and foreign sources on laser therapy and describes the classification of lasers, the mechanisms of action of laser therapy on the human body and the main therapeutic effects, as well as the results of scientific research on the use of laser therapy in medicine and dentistry. Based on the analysis of the literature, it has been concluded that low-intensity laser therapy is a highly effective method of rehabilitation of patients in the treatment of various pathologies, including after surgical interventions, which has a number of advantages over symptomatic drug therapy, since it does not cause allergic reactions or side effects. It has a pronounced anti- inflammatory, antibacterial, analgesic, vaso-, psycho- and immunocorrective effects and promotes faster wound healing and improvement of bone tissue structure, which justifies its widespread use in dental surgery.


PANORAMA Publishing House


General Medicine

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