Assessing efficacy of comprehensive medical rehabilitation of patients with polypoid rhinosinusitis on the basis of correlation adaptometry method


,Pelishenko T. G.,Kruglova L. S., ,Nagornev S. N.,


The article discusses the algorithm for using the method of correlation adaptometry to assess the effectiveness of medical rehabilitation of patients with polypoid rhinosinusitis. It is shown that this method is highly informative and allows researchers to objectify the results of complex medical rehabilitation of patients with polypoid rhinosinusitis, evaluating the efficacy from the standpoint of the key categories of restorative medicine that reflect the patient’s regulatory capabilities for the formation and implementation of the increased adaptive capabilities of the body. The obtained results prove the maximum efficiency of medical rehabilitation based on the complex use of the drug dupilumab and the course application of the alternating magnetic field in combination with low-intensity laser therapy, the complementary therapeutic activity of which ensures the maximum manifestation of sanogenetic processes aimed at normalizing the structural and functional parameters of the nasal mucosa and paranasal sinuse.


PANORAMA Publishing House







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