Possibilities of remedial treatment of dermatological adverse events associated with cancer treatment using physical factors


Polonskaya A.S.ORCID, ,Shatokhina E.A.ORCID,Michenko A.V.,Syryseva A.Yu., , ,


Due to the improvement of oncologic services, optimization of surgical treatment methods, and the emergence of new approaches to systemic anti-tumor therapy, a gradual decrease in the mortality rate from malignant tumors has been observed. The changing clinical spectrum of side effects that develop during the treatment of malignant tumors determines the need to optimize approaches to remedial therapy. One of the most common side effects of drug and radiation anti-tumor therapy are dermatological adverse events. The use of physical factors is a promising area in supportive oncology, including with regard to dermatological side effects. This article presents a review of scientific publications devoted to the prevention and remedial treatment of dermatological side effects of anti-tumor therapy with the use of physical factors. The high safety profile of a number of techniques and their pronounced positive therapeutic effect, allowing for the continuation of life-saving drug and/or radiation therapy, are demonstrated. Optimization of approaches to accompanying physiotherapeutic treatment of dermatological adverse events and more active introduction into practical medicine of those methods of treatment that have already proven their effectiveness and safety are an essential scientific and practical task of modern medicine.


PANORAMA Publishing House


General Medicine

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