Assessment of the effect of pulsed currents and vibration therapy on the quality of life in patients with lumbosacral dorsopathy


,Smirnov A. E.ORCID,Ivanova I. I.ORCID, ,Lazarenko N. N.ORCID,


Constant pain in the back leads to chronicity of the process and disability of the population. This work intends to develop and scientifically substantiate comprehensive treatment of lumbosacral dorsopathy patients with radicular syndrome in the subacute stage of the disease, including drug therapy, multichannel electrical stimulation with bipolar pulsed currents (MES BPC), and vibration massage, as well as to evaluate the impact of this treatment on the overall indicator of quality of life in patients. Results. Before treatment, the patients with lumbosacral dorsopathy and radicular syndrome in the subacute stage of the disease in the 1st (control) and 2nd (study) groups had significantly lower QOL indicators than normative ones, which reflected a decrease in quality of life. Complex treatment, including drug therapy, MES BPC, and vibration massage, contributed to a more pronounced and persistent improvement in the quality of life indicator in the patients of the 2nd (study) group throughout all periods of observation, compared with standard drug therapy in the 1st (control) group of the patients.


PANORAMA Publishing House

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