Combined application of pulsed low-frequency electrostatic field and robotic mechanotherapy for damage to capsular ligamentous apparatus of the knee joint in children (Methodological recommendations, SAHI MSPC MRRSM MHD. 2022. - 19 p.).


Pogonchenkova I. V., ,Khan M. A.,Vakhova E. L.,Tarasov N. I.,Isaev I. N.,Pochkin E. O., , , , ,


Pathology of the knee joint in children is an urgent problem in pediatric traumatology, orthopedics and pediatrics. Features of the anatomical structure of the knee joint, its functioning, high static and dynamic loads determine the frequency of injuries of this localization (up to 25% among all injuries of the musculoskeletal system).


PANORAMA Publishing House


General Medicine

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