1. Iumashev A.V. Mezodientsefalnaia moduliatsiia v komplekse lecheniia i profi laktiki vospalitelnykh oslozhnenii u patsientovs ortopedicheskimi konstruktsiiami pri dentalnoi implantatsii [Mesodiencephalic modulation in the complex of treatment and prevention of infl ammatory complications in patients with orthopedic structures during dental implantation]. Author’s abstract of the thesis for the degree of PhD in Medicine. — M., 2019. — 48 p. (In Russ.)
2. Utiuzh A.S. Kontseptsiia vybora ortopedicheskoi konstruktsii s oporoi na dentalnye implantaty kak metod profi laktiki periimplantita u patsientov s polnoi i chastichnoi vtorichnoi adentiei [The concept of choosing an orthopedic structure based on dental implants as a method of preventing peri-implantitis in patients with complete and partial secondary adentia]: Author’s abstract of the thesis for the degree of PhD in Medicine. — M., 2017. — 47 p. (In Russ.)
3. Kulieva G.M., Bragin A.V. Nesiemnoe protezirovanie s oporoi na dentalnye implantaty [Permanent prosthetics based on dental implants] // Meditsinskaia nauka i obrazovanie Urala [Medical science and education of the Urals]. 2017; 4 (92): 198–201. (In Russ.)
4. Trezubov V.N., Bulycheva E.A., Chikunov S.O., Rozov R.A., Ignatieva A.A. Osobennosti i posledstviia nemedlennogo implantatsionnogo protezirovaniia s pomoshchiu protiazhennykh proteticheskikh konstruktsii (obzor) [Features and consequences of immediate implantation prosthetics using extended prosthetic structures (review)] // Klinicheskaia stomatologiia [Clinical dentistry]. 2018; 1 (85): 34–38. (In Russ.)
5. Kuznetsova E.A. Sravnitelnaia otsenka rezultatov kompleksnogo lecheniia bolnykh periimlantatnym mukozitom i dentalnym periimplantitom [Comparative evaluation of the results of complex treatment of patients with peri-graft mucositis and dental peri-implantitis]: Author’s abstract of the thesis for the degree of PhD Candidate in Medicine. — Samara, 2012. — 22 p. (In Russ.)