1. 1. Astakhov Iu. S., Kirianova V. V., Maksimov A. V., Morozova N. V., Sokolov V. O., Florentseva S. S. Otsenka neiroprotektornogo deistviia preparata «Retinalamin» pri lechenii pervichnoi otkrytougolnoi glaukomy 1-2 stadii metodom endonazalnogo elektroforeza [Evaluation of the neuroprotective effect of the drug «Retinalamin» in the treatment of primary open-angle glaucoma stage 1-2 by endonasal electrophoresis]. Oftalmologicheskie vedomosti [Ophthalmological Records]. 2010;4 (3):60. (In Russ.)
2. 2. Database of scientific studies on medical rehabilitation of ophthalmic patients. Mikhailova A. A., Kotenko K.V., Korchazhkina N. B., Drakon A. K., Sheludchenko V. M., Budzinskaia M.V., Iussef S., Pateiuk L. S Database registration certificate 2021621635, 07/30/2021. Application No. 2021621519 dated 07/21/2021. (In Russ.)
3. 3. Database of scientific studies on the use of electrical stimulation in the rehabilitation of patients with traumatic and degenerative eye diseases. Mikhailova A. A., Kotenko K.V., Korchazhkina N. B., Drakon A. K., Iusef, Sheludchenko V. M., Budzinskaia M. V., Iussef S., Pateiuk L. S., Belskaia N. A. Database registration certificate 2021621854, 09/02/2021. Application No. 2021621762 dated 08/26/2021. (In Russ.)
4. 4. Database of scientific studies on the use of electrophoresis of medicinal substances in ophthalmology. Mikhailova A. A., Kotenko K.V., Korchazhkina N. B., Drakon A. K., Iusef, Sheludchenko V. M., Budzinskaia M.V., Iussef S., Pateiuk L. S., Orlova S. P. Database registration certificate 2021621882, 09/06/2021. Application No. 2021621757 dated 08/26/2021. (In Russ.)
5. 5. Vosstanovitelnaia oftalmologiia [Restorative ophthalmology] / eds. A. N. Razumov, I. G. Ovechkin. - M.: Voentekhinizdat, 2006. - 96 p. (In Russ.)