Modern view on the problem of postoperative pulmonary embolism. Literature review


Fedorov Sergey AndreevichORCID, ,Vapaev Kudrat BekberganovichORCID,Medvedev Aleksandr PavlovichORCID,Kudykin Maksim Nikolaevich,Tselousova Lada MaksimovnaORCID, , , ,


Pulmonary embolism (PE) occupies one of the leading positions in the structure of postoperative complications, while determining an extremely high mortality rate. Despite the advances in medicine in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of this disease, the PE epidemiological thresholds have not changed significantly over the past twenty years. Today, despite the routine use of mechanical and pharmacological thromboprophylaxis, the 30-day mortality rate after major surgeries ranges from 16.9 % to 31 %. Considering that more than 300 million surgical interventions are performed in the world, and more than 10 million operations per year in the Russian Federation, the scale of the problem can be easily imagined. The results of numerous studies confirm that at present, the problem of postoperative PE remains extremely urgent and requires further study. This manuscript provides a review of modern literature highlighting the key issues of the studied pathology.


PANORAMA Publishing House


General Chemical Engineering

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