Organ-preserving technologies of surgical treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis using VAC therapy


,Sinitsyn M. V.ORCID, ,Tokaev T. K.ORCID, ,Bikbaev A. S.ORCID, ,Shtykhno A. O.ORCID, ,Plotkin D. V.ORCID, ,Itskov A. V.ORCID,


This article demonstrates the possibilities of vacuum-assisted closure (VAC therapy) in surgical treatment of one of the most severe categories of patients — patients with chronic pulmonary tuberculosis with widespread drug resistance. The authors show the effectiveness of VAC therapy in various clinical situations: VAC therapy in combination with endoscopic valvular bronchoblocation, as an independent treatment method in a patient with bilateral fibrous-cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis, as well as a combination of VAC therapy with retrograde occlusion of bronchial fistula. The special feature of these cases is the performance of low-trauma organ-preserving operations in patients with no prospect of cure by conservative methods.


PANORAMA Publishing House

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