Palm oil and human health: modern scientific outlook


Medvedev Oleg S.1,Medvedeva Nataliya A.1


1. Lomonosov Moscow State University


Review of scientific literature on the evidence of the relationship between palm oil (PO) and its components on human health, on the mechanisms of cholesterol control and risks for development of cardiovascular diseases. Natural interest in PO increased when it became evident that its physical properties make PO a natural substitute for partially hydrogenated vegetable oils containing trans fatty acids which have adverse effect on the human health. PO contains both saturated and unsaturated fats which makes it comparable with other vegetable oils, like olive, sunflower or soybean oils. Comparison with other vegetable oils did not show significant differences in of LDL, HDL or total cholesterol levels. Comparison of diets rich in PO with diets rich in trans fatty acids shows improvement of lipid profiles in groups with PO and serves as basis for replacement of trans fatty acids in food with PO and its fractions. In addition to fatty acids content, PO contains several phytonutrients including 4 forms of tocopherols and tocotrienols, carotenoids, sterols, and some others. Most of these compounds are considered beneficial for human health, mainly on account of their antioxidant activity. It is concluded that PO is safe component of food, when we pay attention to the rather high content of saturated fats in it.


PANORAMA Publishing House

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