Pharmacovigilance assessment of semaglutide safety


,Shnaider K. O.ORCID,Maksimov M. L.ORCID, ,Romanov B. K.ORCID,


The article provides an overview of information on cases of adverse reactions with the use of semaglutide, reports of which are included in the database of the World Health Organization’s international drug monitoring program as of February 26, 2024. The study carries out an analysis of the safety indicators of semaglutide, which is a drug for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus. However, the drug gained its popularity due to its ability to reduce appetite. Semaglutide has been registered in the Russian Federation since 2019, and there is not enough information about adverse reactions related to its use. Characterization of the structure of adverse reactions associated with the use of semaglutide includes data on various factors, such as gender, age of patients, the nature of their complaints, severity of outcomes, geographic distribution, and initiators of the reports. These data can serve as a theoretical basis for improving and customizing the pharmacovigilance and drug monitoring system in Russia and are of practical interest for doctors, researchers, and health care regulators.


PANORAMA Publishing House

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