Forms of drug allergy and various variants of its manifestation


Armakov Sergey Petrovich1


1. Belgorod Regional Oncological Dispensary, Belgorod


Lately, the problem of drug allergy is becoming more and more urgent, which is a consequence of the wide availability of drugs and the widespread use of counterfeit drugs. According to some authors, the incidence of drug allergy reaches 60%. This pathological reaction is the result of the patient's individual intolerance to one or another medication, and is not inherently its side effect. In some cases, the ingestion of a minimum dose of a drug into the body is sufficient for a severe reaction to develop. Theoretically, any drug can cause an allergy, but there is a group of certain medications, to the ingestion of which an allergic reaction develops most often - these include antibiotics of the penicillin series, sulfonamides, analgesics, some antihypertensive drugs, B vitamins. An allergic reaction can develop with lightning speed, or it can manifest itself within a day. The most common forms of drug allergy include urticaria, Quincke's edema, and itchy rash (toxidermia). The most formidable manifestations of drug allergy are anaphylactic shock and Lyell's syndrome, which manifests itself in the form of total damage to the skin and mucous membranes.


PANORAMA Publishing House

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