In most cases, the treatment of skin diseases, especially chronic processes, is a difficult task due to the low effectiveness of the traditional methods of treatment, the emergence of drug resistance, the development of frequent allergic and other adverse reactions. In total, the impact of the above factors has led to the need to find new ways and methods in the treatment of dermatological lesions. Against the background of using ultrasound, cryotherapy and magnetotherapy, good efficiency was also noted as a result of exposure to laser beams. For the first time, the laser began to be used to treat skin diseases about 40 years ago. When laser radiation is applied to the skin, the processes of photostimulation, photothermolysis and photodynamic reactions occur in its layers. Photostimulation processes began to be used to activate wound healing, and photodynamic reactions were used to treat acne vulgaris, vitiligo, psoriasis, urticaria, and lichen planus. At the same time, low-intensity laser radiation is used for therapeutic purposes, and high-intensity laser radiation is used in surgical practice, in particular, for the removal of warts, papillomas, and genital warts. The use of laser radiation in the treatment of skin diseases contributes to the activation of tissue respiration processes, a decrease in the activity of free radicals, and the stabilization of lipid complexes of cell membranes. In general, improvement in the condition after laser therapy is noted in 40–80 % of patients.
PANORAMA Publishing House
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