Characteristics of the public health system of the Orenburg Region


Grigorieva L. K.ORCID, ,Kuzmin S. A.ORCID,


Human health is a kind of mirror of the socio‑economic and cultural development of society. Health indicators today are sad, with a steady increase in morbidity, especially among the younger generation. The importance of strengthening and maintaining health is so great that this issue has become one of the main state tasks and is reflected in many documents, such as the Priority National Project «Health», the Concept of the Demographic Policy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025, as well as other legislative acts. According to Federal Law No.323 «On the Basics of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation», there are three healthcare systems in Russia: state, municipal and private. On the territory of the Orenburg Region, since January 01, 2013, powers in the field of healthcare are the exclusive competence of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. The state authorities of the constituent entity create conditions for the development of all healthcare systems and, together with local governments, officials of organizations, are responsible within their powers for ensuring guarantees in the field of protecting the health of the population of the Orenburg Region, established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The system of health protection of citizens of the Orenburg Region is predominantly of state nature. Since January 01, 2013, powers in the field of healthcare are the exclusive competence of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. As a result of the optimization carried out in medical institutions of the Orenburg Region, the number of hospitals decreased by 5.75 %, dispensaries by 8.33 %, and ambulance stations by 2.44 %. At the same time, the number of outpatient clinics increased by 4.09 %. Outpatient organizations have taken on the burden of providing medical care to the population. To improve the health of citizens, increase the life expectancy of the population, reduce the death rate, and increase the birth rate, it is necessary to make managerial decisions at the level of the legislative and executive authorities.


PANORAMA Publishing House

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