Risk of STIs contracting through orogenital contact and prevention measures


Makarova E. V., ,Beloshedova K. A.,


Oral health is essential during oral sex, and poor oral health can increase the risk of transmitting infections and pathogens. Infections can be transmitted through contact with seminal fluid, vaginal secretions, anal secretions, saliva, and other bodily fluids. The use of condoms or female condoms during oral sex can reduce the risk of STI transmission, especially through contact with semen or vaginal secretions. Gentle barriers such as latex female condoms, plastic films, or dental dams can also be used to protect mucoumembranes from direct contact with a partner. In addition to protective equipment, maintaining oral health, regular dental visits, and being careful with oral contact if there are injuries, sores, or lesions in the mouth can reduce the risk of transmitting infections. Education and information about safer sex practices are also important in helping people make informed decisions and take care of their sexual health.


PANORAMA Publishing House


General Medicine

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