The state of functional reserves of female students with dif ferent academic performance


Anzorov V. A., ,Moryakina S. V.,


The work is devoted to studying the influence of female students' academic performance on their functional reserves. The growth of the average score of the girls' record book is accompanied by a significant increase in the indicators of the cardiovascular system. An increase in grade point average leads to a significant increase in body weight. Improvement of the female students’ progress contributes to a slight and gradual decrease in the respiratory system. Due to the increase in the average score of the student's record book, there is a significant increase in the Robinson index and adaptive potential. The endurance coefficient value in the group of female students with "good" academic grades drops to 17.9, with "excellent" grades - increases to 20.6, and for those with "satisfactory" grades it is 19.0. The value of Index of Cardiovascular Regulation for good students decreases to 91.7%, for excellent students - increases to 92.8, and for satisfactory students it is 96.3. The level of the Robinson index for the group of excellent students increases to 105.4 (P<0.02), and for satisfactory students it is 83.9. In girls with an average grade book score of "B", the adaptive potential reached 2.25 P<0.05, with "A" - 2.42 (P<0.01), and with "C" - 2.05. Gradually falling, Skibinsky index reached a minimum value - 14.0 for female students who did excellently, and amounted to 18.1 in satisfactory students.


PANORAMA Publishing House

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