Differences in the mechanisms of therapeutic action of platelet-rich plasma in the treatment of various joints


Teplov Oleg Vadimovich1ORCID,Teplov Aleksandr Yurievich2



2. FSBEI HE Kazan State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Kazan, RT


The paper presents the results of the application of the plasmolifting technique in the treatment of various types of musculoskeletal pathology and analyzes the possible mechanisms of the positive therapeutic effect of this technique. It is suggested that its success is in direct proportion to the composition of the tissues that make up a particular articular formation. It is supposed that the conditions for the positive therapeutic effect of the platelet auto-suspension technique include, first of all, the presence of a branched network of capillaries, which provides sufficient blood supply and, as a result, access to the sanitized tissue of granulocytic cells. The second condition is the presence of connective tissue formations containing basophils and mast cells, which, together with the endothelium of the above capillaries, secrete a sufficient amount of cytokines that trigger the therapeutic effect of this manipulation. A number of recommendations were made to increase the sanitizing effect of the plasmolifting technique on a specific joint formation.


PANORAMA Publishing House

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