Topical aspects of the formation and development of surgery


Kaspruk Lyudmila Ilyinichna1


1. Orenburg State Medical University


The conducted research of the formation and development of surgery until the 19th century revealed that the accumulated experience in the development of surgery in the studies of Russian and foreign authors is relevant in the historical, methodological and organizational aspects. In the modern history of medicine and surgery, a significant segment is occupied by scientific analysis, which makes it possible to recognize the inner essence and connection of processes and phenomena in the formation and development of surgery, to understand the driving and controlling mechanisms. The identification of patterns and trends in the development of surgery, as well as the establishment of grounds for predictive analysis, must be implemented in further research in the history of medicine and surgery. Many medical workers who made a great contribution to the formation of Soviet surgery began their career in medicine directly as zemsky doctors. Zemsky surgery had a significant impact on the development of domestic medicine.


PANORAMA Publishing House

Reference11 articles.

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