1. Bidloo N.L. Nastavlenie dlia izuchaiushchikh khirurgiiu v anatomicheskom teatre: sostavleno 1710 goda ianvaria 3 dnia na schastie [Instructions for those studying surgery in the anatomical theater: compiled in January 1710, 3rd day for good luck] / N.L. Bidloo; edited by M.V. Danilenko. M., 1979. 592 p. (In Russ.)
2. Bogopolskii P.M. Zemskie khirurgi i ikh rol v razvitii otechestvennoi meditsiny [Zemsky surgeons and their role in the development of domestic medicine] // Istoriia meditsiny [History of medicine]. — 2015. Vol. 2. No. 2. P. 217–226. (In Russ.)
3. Borodulin V. I. Klinicheskaia meditsina ot istokov do 20-go veka. Lektsii [Clinical medicine from the beginnings to the 20th century. Lectures] / V.I. Borodulin. — Moscow: Veche, 2015. — 504 p. (In Russ.)
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