Objectification of the evaluation of a pharmacological test with alpha-adrenergic blocking agents during uroflowmetry


Danilov Vadim Valerievich1ORCID,Danilov Vitaliy Vadimovich2ORCID,Danilov Valeriy Vadimovich Danilov Valeriy Vadimovich3ORCID


1. Institute of Surgery, Pacific State Medical University, Vladivostok

2. Department of General and Clinical Pharmacology, Pacific State Medical University, Vladivostok

3. Center «Pathology of urination», Vladivostok


The tactics of treating dysuric disorders are largely determined by the pathophysiological and morpho-clinical basis: infravesical obstruction, impaired bladder contractility, complex neurogenic urination disorders, etc. Among the diseases that most often cause infravesical obstruction in men, the most common pathologies are benign prostatic hyperplasia, prostate cancer, prostate sclerosis, obstructive processes of the bladder neck (contractures, fibrosis), urethral strictures of various etiologies. The use of a comprehensive urodynamic study makes it possible to differentiate the causes of urinary disorders. One of the most common and non-invasive methods used in the urologist’s clinical practice is uroflowmetry. The use of the fuzzy logic algorithm described in the article for making a decision on the presence of obstructive urination allows one to assess the urodynamic situation using the home uroflow monitoring technique. Analytical urodynamics in conjunction with the fuzzy logic block increases the accuracy of describing the examination results, and the introduction of the proposed model into the software simplifies the work with diagnostic urological equipment and increases the efficiency of the examination.


PANORAMA Publishing House

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