Influence of tobacco smoking on the functional state of the male cardiovascular system


Anzorov V. A., ,Moryakina S. V.ORCID,


The paper presents the data on functional state of the male cardiovascular system, depending on the period of tobacco smoking. The analysis of the research results shows that tobacco smoking leads to a significant increase in heart rate, blood pressure, pulsatility, average dynamic arterial pressure, minute blood volume, and circulatory efficiency ratio. Gradually increasing, the heart rate reached a maximum value of 86.6 (P <0.001) beats per minute in the group with over 20 years of smoking, while in the control group it was 73.2.The highest level of systolic and diastolic blood pressure was 138.7 (P<0.001) and 88.8 (P<0.001) mm Hg. in the group of smokers with the smoking experience of more than 20 years, while in non-smokers the indicators were 114.1 and 73.9, respectively. The maximum level of pulsatility was 49.9 (P<0.001) and that of average dynamic arterial pressure — 109.8 (P<0.001) mm Hg., identified in the group of smokers with over 20 years of smoking, while the initial levels were 40.2 and 90.8, respectively. The range of systolic blood volume between the groups was 4.3 ml. Minute blood volume in groups of men under 20 years and over increased to 4.11 (P <0.01) and 4.06 (P <0.02) l/min, while in the group of non-smokers it accounted for 3.69. The increase in the duration of tobacco smoking led to a slight increase in peripheral resistance. As the smoking period lengthens, the circulatory efficiency value undergoes a gradual increase, reaching a maximum value of 4,323 (P <0.001) in the group with over 20 years of smoking, while in the control group it was 1,898. The difference between the maximum and minimum circulatory efficiency values between the experimental male groups was 1.3.


PANORAMA Publishing House


General Medicine

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