Dental health of first-year students of the Novgorod State University


Shmandina K. V., ,Britova A. A.,Belokurov N. N., ,


Goal and objectives: to study the dental health of 1st year students of the Novgorod State University. Materials and methods: questionnaire, literature review, study of statistical data on the Russian Federation, India, Egypt, and Pakistan. An analysis of the dental health of first-year Russian and foreign students of the Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University was carried out, and factors influencing dental health were identified. Official reports on the condition and composition of tap water in the city of Veliky Novgorod and tap water in Egypt, India, and Pakistan were studied. The standards for the content of fluorine and iodine in tap water in Veliky Novgorod, Egypt, India, and Pakistan were analyzed. The influence of changing climatic conditions, quality of nutrition, and the presence of bad habits and stress on the development of dental diseases in students was considered. The World Health Organization’s global oral health status report for 2022 in the Russian Federation, Egypt, India, and Pakistan was analyzed. A survey among students of the Novgorod University was conducted in order to evaluate water in the Novgorod Region in comparison with their homeland; the survey included general health questions with an emphasis on oral hygiene. What paste, brush, and cleaning method students used when brushing their teeth, and if they visited the dentist. What dental problems they had before and what issues they have now. Conclusions: To provide recommendations on oral hygiene, the choice of oral hygiene items and products, the diet taking into account the fluorine and iodine content in the region, and daily routine.


PANORAMA Publishing House


General Medicine

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