Organization of primary health care and specialized medical care for patients with prostate cancer in the Nizhny Novgorod Region


Perevezentsev Egor Aleksandrovich1,Kuzmina Maya Andreevna1,Vasina Dariya Dmitrievna1,Volodin Denis Igorevich1


1. Privolzhsky Research Medical University


At present, the quality and availability of medical care are the aspects to which close attention is paid in the system of organizing medical care. One of the ways to achieve a high level of quality and accessibility of medical care is building up human resources, i.e. the presence of highly qualified general practitioners, sub-specialties and middle medical personnel in sufficient numbers in a medical organization. Currently, the oncological service of Russia has been assigned tasks to fulfill the instructions from the State Program for the Development of Health Care. The results of the work should lead to a decrease in mortality and an increase in the quality of life of the population. To address the issue of reducing mortality from malignant neoplasms, in particular from prostate cancer, a three-level system of oncological care has been created on the territory of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, including 1 regional center, 2 interdistrict cancer centers, 88 primary oncology rooms and 96 examination rooms. The tasks set to reduce morbidity and mortality from oncological diseases can be realized only with close interaction of the oncological service with the primary health care sector, in which the prevention should be the priority direction of work.


PANORAMA Publishing House

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