January 26 — International Let’s Talk Day


Rybachok O. A.,


January marks the beginning of a new year and the middle of winter, therefore the holidays in this month are celebrated accordingly: for example, in Canada and the USA on January 1 people celebrate Polar Bear Plunge Day with the organization of traditional swims in icy water, but on January 5 it is proposed to celebrate Fasting Day, obviously with the purpose of saving the body tired from festive feasts. On January 14, in some countries it is customary to celebrate an unusual day — Fight Procrastination Day, which in psychology means «constantly putting things off until later». Some experts have already dubbed this fairly common feature a «disease of the 21st century». January 16 is World Snow Day, and January 21 is International Hugging Day. In addition, on the last Wednesday of January, caring people proposed establishing Let’s Talk Day, dedicated to the issue of the difficult relationship between healthy people and patients with mental disabilities; Canada initiated the celebration of this day. Experts suggest that ordinary people protect themselves from mental illness by leading an active lifestyle, but does this always help? Let's try to figure this out in our ar ticle.


PANORAMA Publishing House


General Medicine

Reference4 articles.

1. 1. Baklaushev V. P., Kulemzin S. V., Gorchakov A. A. et al. COVID-19. Etiologiia, patogenez, diagnoz i lechenie [COVID-19. Etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment] // Klinicheskaia praktika [Clinical Practice]. - 2020. - Vol. 11 - No. 1. - P. 7-20. (In Russ.)

2. 2. Belopasov V. V., Iashu Ia., Samoilova E. M., Baklaushev V. P. Porazhenie nervnoi sistemy pri COVID-19 [Damage to the nervous system due to COVID-19] // Klinicheskaia praktika [Clinical practice]. - 2020. - Vol. 11. - No. 2. P. 60-80. (In Russ.)

3. 3. Mosolov S. N. Problemy psikhicheskogo zdorovia v usloviiakh pandemii COVID-19 [Mental health problems during the COVID-19 pandemic] // Zhurnal nevrologii i psikhiatrii im. S. S. Korsakova [Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry named after S. S. Korsakov]. - 2020. - Vol. 120. - No. 5. - P. 7-15. (In Russ.)

4. 4. Shepeleva I.I., Chernysheva A.A., Kirianova E.M., Salnikova L.I., Gurina O.I. COVID-19: porazhenie nervnoi sistemy i psikhologo-psikhiatricheskie oslozhneniia [COVID-19: damage to the nervous system and psychological and psychiatric complications] // Sotsialnaia i klinicheskaia psikhiatriia [Social and Clinical Psychiatry]. - 2020. - No. 4. - P. 76-82. (In Russ.)








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