Sterlet reproduction in the Volga region as a complex structural problem of aquaculture development


Kalayda Marina Lvovna1,Borisova Svetlana Dmitrievna1,Khamitova Madina Farhadovna1,Kalayda Andrey Andreevich2


1. Kazan State Power Engineering University

2. LLC “Biosphere-Fish”


Changes in the Volga River and its fish population are considered in the historical aspect. The importance of studies of sterlet in the composition of ichthyofauna in the period before the regulation of the river and after the creation of a cascade of reservoirs is shown. The ideas of ichthyologists of the early and late 20th century on the reproduction of sterlet are presented. Data on the decrease in catches of sterlet and its inclusion in the Red Data Books is presented. It is noted that for a long period the main task of sterlet reproduction was considered to be — release into natural reservoirs to replenish the local fish stock. The required amount of young sterlet for the annual release into the Kuibyshev reservoir for the task of removing sterlet from the Red Data Book was determined — 8.6 million. For the task of forming its livestock in accordance with the plan for reorganizing the “Big Volga” and increasing its catches to the planned values in catches in the reservoir, an annual release of 57 million pieces is required. The need is shown at the present stage of development of biotechnology for growing and reproducing sterlet in the structure of tasks to bring the commercial reproduction of sterlet and its hybrids to the first place in terms of volumes. This will provide people with healthy food and enhance the country’s food security. Dividing the reproduction of sterlet into separate tasks will also make it possible to involve in this process numerous farmers who are ready to raise sturgeon fish, but who do not have sufficient training to select fish in accordance with their genotypic characteristics. Expansion of commercial production will potentially relieve some of the load on natural aquatic ecosystems and optimize the release of juveniles.


PANORAMA Publishing House

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