1. Institute of Biology of Inland Waters named after I.D. Papanin RAS
2. Volgograd State University
The study of the content of immune complexes, products of lipid peroxidation and antioxidant activity in the goldfish Carassius auratus inhabiting the r. Don. Fish were caught in the water area of the city of Kalacha-na-Donu, about 13 lock of the Volga-Don canal and downstream. Analysis of the results showed insignificant differences in size and weight parameters. A visual examination on the body of crucians living downstream revealed reddening of the skin and ulcers near the caudal, abdominal and dorsal fins, indicating symptoms of peptic ulcer disease. Significant differences in the content of nonspecific immune complexes and the level of malondialdehyde between fish caught at different stations were recorded. The high content of immune complexes in the kidney and spleen extracts of the crucian carp inhabiting the area of the 13 gateway indicates a violation of the mechanisms for the elimination of these complexes. An increase in the level of immune complexes indicates the presence of pathological and autoimmune processes in fish. The highest indicators of malondialdehyde were recorded in the organs of fish living in the area of the 13th lock and downstream of the river. The increased content of malondialdehyde indicates a high level of lipid peroxidation processes and a decrease in the level of antioxidants in the studied tissues. However, the low values of the constant of inhibition of substrate oxidation in fish organs from different stations indicates the activity of antioxidant structures in the studied tissues. The study showed that crucians from different parts of the Don River differed in the content of immune complexes and the level of malondialdehyde in the organs.
PANORAMA Publishing House
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