Zooplankton communities of small lakes of the Kuibyshev district Novosibirsk region in the spring and summer


,Mukhina A.A.ORCID, ,Pishchenko E.V.ORCID, ,Viser L.S.ORCID, ,Moruzi I.V.ORCID, ,Eliseeva E.A.ORCID,


In the course of hydrobiological studies conducted in the spring and summer of 2023 on small lakes of the Kuibyshev district of the Novosibirsk region, zooplankton communities were studied, which is relevant in the field of studying the fish food supply. The purpose of this study was to determine the species diversity and quantitative characteristics of zooplankton communities of lakes. Sampling and in-house processing of samples was carried out according to generally accepted methods. The characteristics of zooplanktonic invertebrates in terms of qualitative and quantitative indicators are considered. The assessment of the trophic and feeding capacity of the lakes is given. 16 species of organisms of 12 genera from 9 families were found in the zooplankton, 5 of which are rotifers, 9 are branched crustaceans and 2 are oar-footed crustaceans. It was found that the greatest species diversity was observed in Lake Tsybovo — 13, the smallest in Lake Maloe Puchkovo — 9 taxa. The average zooplankton abundance and biomass in the studied lakes ranged from 16.0 to 67.645 thousand specimens/m3 and from 652.2 to 7118.5 mg/m3, respectively. The maximum average values of zooplankton abundance and biomass were found in Lake Fedino, the minimum values in Lake Cemetery. In terms of frequency of occurrence and specific abundance, Copepods are mainly dominant. The lowest frequency of occurrence and specific abundance is mainly in Rotifera. According to the average indicators of zooplankton biomass, lakes have different trophic status and feeding capacity of the reservoir: from oligotrophic type (low-fat) to eutrophic type (high-fat). Fedino Lake was classified as a high-grade eutrophic reservoir with an increased productivity class. Cemetery Lake with the lowest abundance and biomass indicators was assessed as an oligotrophic reservoir of low productivity class, from the point of view of feeding opportunities for planktophage fish — low-feeding. Tsybovo and Maloe Puchkovo lakes were assessed as mesotrophic reservoirs.


PANORAMA Publishing House

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