Characteristic of genetic variability of angelinskiy carp breeds using microsatellite loci


Ivanekha E.V.ORCID, ,Duma L.N.ORCID,Shart L.A., ,


The aim of the work was to study the genetic variability of the English scaly and Angelina mirror carp, characterized by increased resistance to rubella disease, using microsatellite analysis. Polymorphism of six microsatellite dinucleotide loci of the poly (CA) type was studied in last (twelfth) selective generations of Angelinskiy scaly carp and Angelinskiy mirror carp. All examined loci were found to be polymorphic in both Angelinskiy carp breeds. Angelinskiy scaly carps have 6–8 alleles per locus and Angelinskiy mirror carps have 2–7 alleles per locus. Minimal polymorphism level has been revealed at Angelinskiy mirror carps for locus MFW7 with only two alleles. Average allele number per locus of Angelinskiy scaly carps was greater than that of Angelinskiy mirror carps, but lower than that of Moscow Scaly and Moscow Mirror carps, Amur carps and Volga carps. Allelic polymorphism factors of microsatellite loci and high rate of heterozygotes indicated that in last selective generations of two Angelinskiy carp breeds keep high genetic variability levels. Allele length at six microsatellite loci of Angelinskiy scaly carp and Angelinskiy mirror carp and of some other examined carp groups lay in similar size ranges. No characteristic alleles for genetic identification of each from these two breeds have been found at all these loci.


PANORAMA Publishing House


Environmental Engineering

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1. Estimation of genetic variability of cherepetskiy carp breeds using microsatellite loci;Rybovodstvo i rybnoe hozjajstvo (Fish Breeding and Fisheries);2024-03-20







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