Results of experimental work on the application of the aquacrop rotation practice in fish ponds in Iraq


Farhan Yasin Hamed Farhan Yasin Hamed1,Vasilyeva Lydia Mikhailovna1,Sudakova Natalia Viktorovna1,Muheisin Ali Attala1,Anokhina Adelia Zakirovna1


1. Astrakhan State University


The use of the crop rotation method in fish farming makes it possible to increase fish productivity and crop yields in ponds. In the countries of the Middle East, in recent years, the Aqua Crop rotation practice has been developing, in particular, the consistent cultivation of fish and rice in fish ponds, which allows eliminating the contradictions between these crops and increasing production efficiency. In Iraq, an experiment was carried out on the variable cultivation of rice and carp in fish ponds for four years, with the aim of introducing this practice into the country’s agriculture. Four ponds, each with an area of 7.5 hectares, were involved. The research was carried out in two variants: in experiment No.1 rice was grown in the first year, fish in the second, then rice again and in the fourth year — fish, in the second experiment, on the contrary, at the beginning of the fish, then rice, etc. The fish-breeding season lasted 9 months (March to November). Fish-breeding indicators were studied in detail: survival rate, feed costs, fish productivity, the results of rice cultivation were judged by yield. In addition, indicators of economic efficiency were determined according to a simplified scheme. The results indicate that, in general, fish-breeding indicators turned out to be higher when growing fish in ponds after rice, so fish productivity increased by almost 30% with an average value of 3.9 t/ha, feed costs decreased, while rice yield increased by 15–16% and averaged 3.6 t/ha. The best fish-breeding indicators were obtained in the second experiment after rice was grown in the ponds for two years. Economic calculations confirmed the advantages of using the aquacrop rotation practice, so in the second experiment the cost of marketable fish decreased by 10%, and the profitability increased by almost 30%.


PANORAMA Publishing House

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