Studies of fish breeding biological and genetic parameters of stellate sturgeon (Acipenser stellatus Pallas, 1771) offspring obtained using native and cryopreserved sperm


Yakovleva E.P.ORCID, ,Bakhareva A.A.ORCID,Makarova E.G.ORCID,Kozlova N.V.ORCID,Dokina O.B.ORCID,Kovalev K.V.ORCID, , , , ,


Comparative results of experimental work on the study of stellate sturgeon offspring obtained using cryopreserved (experimental) and native (control) sperm, carried out at the scientific and experimental complex of aquaculture “BIOS” of the Volga-Caspian branch of VNIRO (CaspNIRKH) in this article were presented. Molecular genetic studies of cryopreserved sperm, females and males from the brood stock of the complex were carried out. In order to select the optimal parental pairs, calculations of genetic relationship of fish spawners were made. The scheme of the experiment was developed. The technological process of working with stellate sturgeon spawners was described: obtaining mature reproductive cells, insemination, incubation of caviar. Holding and breeding of the studied groups of stellate sturgeon juveniles up to standard weight was carried out. Each stage of the research work was subjected to comparative analysis. The genetic diversity of juveniles was studied. As a result of the work carried out, it was found that the group of fish obtained using of cryopreserved sperm had higher weight indicators, compared with the juveniles of the control group obtained from males from the brood stock of “BIOS”, by an average of 16%. In addition, the experimental group had a higher homogeneity compared to the control group, as evidenced by the values of the coefficients of variation. The survival rate of juveniles of the experimental group of fish was higher than the control group by an average of 10%. The stellate sturgeon obtained using cryopreserved sperm was characterized by higher values of the total number of alleles and the absence of a deficit of heterozygotes compared to the control group of juveniles, which is especially important for preserving the diversity of this valuable sturgeon species. The results of the research work carried out will help develop proposals for the formation of artificially created sturgeon brood stocks by replenishing them with juveniles obtained using cryopreserved sperm and having higher fish breeding biological and genetic indicators. This will allow the herd to have a stock of working material from different generations of sturgeon species, which is a promising factor for the conservation of aquatic biological resources and selection in commercial aquaculture.


PANORAMA Publishing House


Environmental Engineering

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